Connecting Genoa with Strength and Innovation
The San Giorgio Bridge, a cutting-edge structure in Genoa, stands as a symbol of resilience and advanced engineering. Built with high-quality, wear-resistant steel supplied by Metinvest’s mills in Ukraine and Italy, the bridge represents a crucial development following the tragic collapse of the Morandi Bridge, its predecessor.
Due to the high standards set by Metinvest and rigorous testing by multiple firms, this durable steel was the top choice for such a vital project.
Bridge Structure and Innovative Features
Spanning over a kilometer in length, the San Giorgio Bridge is a sturdy steel roadway supported by 18 reinforced concrete pillars. These pillars are spaced 50 meters apart, except near the Polcevera River, where they are 100 meters apart to accommodate the landscape.
The bridge also incorporates smart technology, using robotic monitoring systems to assess structural integrity, while photovoltaic modules provide energy to power lighting and other systems. A row of 43 lamps along the bridge pays tribute to the lives lost in the previous bridge's collapse.
18 500
tonnes of Metinvest’s steel
of the products certified by independent inspectors
1 year
construction period